[NHCOLL-L:2060] Stolen collections

White, Rich rich at thewildlifemuseum.org
Tue Aug 26 18:59:53 EDT 2003

Several ideas come to mind.  First, if there are any specimens which
belong to the Smithsonian, they can get the feds (FBI) involved, as
their collections are federal property.  Secondly, for collections from
out of the country, I would contact the museum which owned the
specimens, and recommend that they have their government contact our
State Department.  I believe this route has been used in other cases
(mostly art and archaeology, I think).


If you have a major newspaper with a science-savy writer, you might get
them to do an article about the problem; public attention and pressure
can do a great deal to ruin a dealer's business, and that may be enough
to get him to cooperate.




Richard S. White, Jr.


International Wildlife Museum

4800 West Gates Pass Road

Tucson, Arizona 85745

520-629-0100 extension 252

Fax: 520-618-3561


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