[NHCOLL-L:2162] Fwd: Macleay Museum Fellowship

Tim White tim.white at yale.edu
Fri Dec 5 07:27:32 EST 2003

>Applications are now invited for the 2004 Macleay Miklouho-Maclay 
>Fellowship of the Macleay Museum at the University of Sydney.  The Macleay 
>Museum has collections in natural history, ethnography, scientific 
>instruments and historic photographs.  The Fellowship is particularly 
>relevant to the natural history collections. The closing date is 30 
>January 2004.
>Details are available at:
>With my thanks
>Julian Holland
>Curator of Scientific Instruments
>Macleay Museum
>University of Sydney
>New South Wales
>Ph:  61 2 9351 3739
>Fax  61 2 9351 5646
>Macleay Museum - Scientific Instrument Collection:
>Australian Science History Club:
>Ashfield & District Historical Society

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