[NHCOLL-L:1816] Geological Curators Group

Giles Miller G.Miller at nhm.ac.uk
Fri Jan 17 08:09:14 EST 2003

In my haste I made an error in the URL for the GCG. It should read:


All the best,

Giles Miller
Secretary GCG
Dr C. Giles Miller           Tel: +44 (0)207 942 5415
Department of Palaeontology  Fax: +44 (0)207 942 5546
The Natural History Museum   Internet:    G.Miller at nhm.ac.uk
Cromwell Road                
LONDON SW7 5BD               
Home Page:   http://www.nhm.ac.uk/palaeontology/micro/gm/gm.html
NB:  The micropalaeontology collections will be unavailable from March to
June 2003 while the department is refurbished.  For more information see
the Palaeontology Department’s website,

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