[NHCOLL-L:1965] Desperately Seeking Picture

White, Rich rich at thewildlifemuseum.org
Tue Jun 24 12:20:53 EDT 2003


Hi, folks.  I asked this question a year or so ago, but I'll repeat it


I'm looking for a picture which would show the old 1800's style museum
exhibits, with glass fronted "curiosity cases" .  The picture I remember
seeing was of one of the London museums, perhaps the Victoria and
Albert.  There were a few people in it, looking at cases of birds, etc.
I need this picture as part of an exhibit showing the evolution of
museum exhibit styles, from the Victorian case with, for example, 10 or
20 birds in it which had nothing to tie it together other than the fact
that the museum happened to have those birds.  This will be contrasted
to the more modern habitat dioramas, with explanatory signage.


Any suggestions as to a potential illustration would be much


Richard S. White, Jr.


International Wildlife Museum

4800 West Gates Pass Road

Tucson, Arizona 85745

520-629-0100 extension 252

Fax: 520-618-3561


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