[NHCOLL-L:1974] Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: Ironic Quotes from Bioscience

cholewa chole001 at umn.edu
Wed Jun 25 10:15:02 EDT 2003

Amateurs (in the good supporting sense) are starting to fill a void with the
creation of the Private Biological Collections group!  The NSCA and SPNHC
are both good organizations which should become more active in preserving
systematics and systematics collections if WE become more involved with
them.  If we all just sit back and say this group or that group isn't strong
enough then we will fail.  Furthermore we must become advocates for
systematics in our own institutions and community as well.  When asked to
make a presentation at the local garden club or summer school program don't
send a grad student, give the presentation yourself!  Encourage tours of
your facilities by the alumni society, classes, etc.  Yes it's work but
given the alternative ...

Anita F. Cholewa, Ph.D.
Curator of Temperate Plants
J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota
St. Paul  MN  55108  USA


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