[NHCOLL-L:1853] RE: Loan Recall / Museum Closure

Raney Morrison raneym at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 12 10:42:13 EST 2003

Hello,I am an alumni of the Museum Studies Program at the University of Nebraska.  I'm sure many of you are aware that the research collections, University Museum (Morill Hall), and the Museum Studies Program, have all been cut due to financial issues faced by UNL.  The collections, museum staff, and students are at great risk right now, but the final decision has not been made to cut these programs.  Please show your support for the museum, research collections, staff, and students by writing to the following e-mail addresses, or calling:    Harvey Perlman (hperlman1 at unl.edu or 402-472-2116), Governor Mike Johanns (http://gov.nol.org/Johanns/mail/govmail.htm or 402-472-2244), also get the word out to others, especially in the museum filed. Thank you for your help and support.  Raney BenchCollections ManagerFairbanks Museum and PlanetariumSt. Johnsbury, VT 05819rbench at fairbanksmuseum.org(802) 748-2372St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
 Roberta Faul-Zeitler <faulzeitler at nscalliance.org> wrote:
March 12, 2003

To our friends and colleagues at University of Nebraska State Museum:

We will not let you go under! I have forwarded your notice to the board of
the Natural Science Collections Alliance to contact the University
Administration immediately. We will also ask our member institutions, as
well as the 25 societies that are our affiliate members, to do the same.

I would appreciate hearing by email from any societies and organizations
that want to work together on a strategy so we are on "the same page."


Roberta Faul-Zeitler
Executive Director
Natural Science Collections Alliance
1725 K Street NW, Suite 601
Washington DC 20006
Tel. (202) 835-9050
FAX (202) 835-7334
Email: faulzeitler at nscalliance.org
Formerly the Association of Systematics Collections

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu
> [mailto:owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu]On Behalf Of Thomas E. Labedz
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:56 AM
> To: TAXACOM at USOBI.ORG; NHCOLL-L at lists.yale.edu;
> Subject: [NHCOLL-L:1851] Loan Recall / Museum Closure
> As you might have already heard, recent budget cuts at the
> University of
> Nebraska have severely impacted the Unversity of Nebraska State
> Museum. ALL
> STAFF HAVE BEEN CUT, MYSELF INCLUDED. Our final day will be June
> 30th, 2003.
> In addition several education positions in the display facility, the
> planetarium, and masters of museum studies program are
> eliminated. The final
> placement of the massive research collections is yet to be
> determined. In an
> effort to assure quality care and complete transfer of
> collections to where
> ever I am announcing that the Division of Zoology seeks to recall
> all loans of
> specimens. The Division of Zoology covers birds, mammals, reptiles,
> amphibians, fish, and mollusks. No further accessions will be made to the
> collections. Preparation and cataloging of current material may
> cease so that
> full and complete records can accompany the specimens to whatever
> fate they
> might have.
> Thomas E. Labedz, Collections Manager
> Division of Zoology
> University of Nebraska State Museum
> W-436 Nebraska Hall
> Lincoln, NE 68588-0514
> 402/472-8366 fax 402/472-8949
> tlabedz1 at unl.edu www-museum.unl.edu
> For further information about these cuts can be found at:
> www.unl.edu/pr/chancllr/2003-5budget/documents/20030310/summary.html
> Letters of "dissatisfaction" with this can be sent to:
> Dr. Harvey Perlman, Chancellor, University of Nebraska -
> hperlman at unlnotes.unl.edu
> Dr. Richard Edwards, Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs -
> redwards at unlnotes.unl.edu
> Dr. Prem Paul, Vice Chancellor for Research - ppaul at unlnotes.unl.edu
> Mike Zeleny, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research -
> mzeleny at unlnotes.unl.edu
> William E. Splinter, Interim Director State Museum -
> wsplinte at unlnotes.unl.edu
> Ronald Lee, APC - rlee1 at unlnotes.unl.edu
> Derrel Martin, APC - dlmartin at unlnotes.unl.edu
> Ann Mari May, APC - amay at unlnotes.unl.edu
> Craig Eckhardt, APC - eckhardt at unlserve.unl.edu
> Charles O'Connor, APC - coconnor at unlserve.unl.edu
> Barry Rosson, APC - brosson at unlnotes.unl.edu
> Cynthia Milligan, APC - cmilliga at unlnotes.unl.edu
> Ellen Paparozzi, APC - epaparoz at unlnotes.unl.edu
> Ken Nickerson, APC - kwn at unlserve.unl.edu
> Lona Kramer, APC - lkramer at unlnotes.unl.edu
> John Benson, APC - jbenson at unlnotes.unl.edu
> John Owens, APC - jowens2 at unlnotes.unl.edu

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