[NHCOLL-L:1926] SPNHC 2003 deadline

Richard Monk rich.monk at ttu.edu
Thu May 1 10:34:54 EDT 2003

Dear SPNHC members et al.,

Good news and bad news:

The bad news (for me) is that we had two servers, one that handles our 
e-mail and the other hosting SPNHC web site, crashed in the past few 
days.  The web server has been having trouble for about two weeks and I've 
been trying to hold it together while busy with other things.  It finally 
suffered a complete meltdown yesterday, but I've got it working again.  The 
email server was working only intermittently (unbeknownst to us) from 
Thursday (4/24) until Tuesday (4/29).  It was not reliably sending mail 
out.  Incoming mail was fine.  I believe this problem is fixed as well.

If you submitted an abstract or sent me a message for some other reason 
between Thursday and Tuesday and have not received a reply, please resend 
it and I'll get back to you ASAP.

The good news (for you) is that I'm extending the registration and abstract 
deadlines to 8 May because of the above described troubles.  I still have 
space for more presentations and posters so please make a commitment and 
send them in.

It figures that this would happen just at the time of the deadline, doesn't it?

Richard Monk
Curator of Collections
Natural Science Research Laboratory
Museum of Texas Tech University
Phone:  (806)742-2486
FAX:  (806)742-0362
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