[NHCOLL-L:2146] Re: Destructive sampling protocols

Deborah A Lewis dlewis at iastate.edu
Mon Nov 24 14:45:31 EST 2003


Have you seen the papers that were part of a symposium on this topic at the 
1995 SPNHC meeting in Toronto? The symposium "proceedings" are published in:
Metsger, Deborah A. and Sheila C. Byers (eds). 1999. Managing the Modern 
Herbarium: An Inter-disciplinary Approach. Society for the Preservation of 
Natural History Collections, pp. 263-350.

While most of these papers are on sampling from botanical specimens, one is 
specifically on vertebrate collections.

Deb Lewis

At 03:07 PM 11/24/2003 +0000, mzfashm2 at mail1.mcc.ac.uk wrote:
>Dear colleagues,
>I am writing a piece on issues concerning destructive sampling of
>historic specimens (viz. in the molecular age), particularly in
>relation to bird collections. If your institution has produced any
>policies or guidelines, I should be very interested to hear of them; I
>should also be very interested to hear any personal views (these
>would remain anonymous if specified). I know that the
>Smithsonian's policy is already published on the internet.
>I hope that this does not pose too great an inconvenience: bin it if it

Deborah Q. Lewis, Curator
Ada Hayden Herbarium (ISC)             E-mail: dlewis at iastate.edu
Department of EEOB                        Phone: [1] 515-294-9499
Iowa State University                         FAX:  [1] 515-294-1337
Ames, IA  50011-1020 

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