[NHCOLL-L:2248] Collection Move: Field Museum Fishes

Jon Greggs greggs at ucalgary.ca
Tue Apr 6 15:56:59 EDT 2004

Forwarded for "Mary Anne Rogers" <rogers at fieldmuseum.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 1:46 PM
Subject: notice about moving collection

> Dear Colleagues,
>      In the Fall of 2004 the Field Museum's fish collection will be moving
> to it's new facility at the southeast corner of the Museum.  In
> for the move, loan activity will stop June 1, 2004 and the collections
> be closed to visitors September 1, 2004.  A few exceptions will be made
> visitors with special circumstances, depending upon the timing of their
> visit.  We will continue to welcome all loan returns throughout the
> duration of the move.  We hope to have the move completed by Summer 2005.
>     Many thanks for your patience through this transition.
>      --  Your friends in the Division of Fishes, Field Museum
>     Mark Westneat (mwestneat at fmnh.org; 312-665-7734)
>     Mary Anne Rogers (marogers at fmnh.org; 312-665-7732)
>     Phil Willink (pwillink at fmnh.org; 312-665-7735)
>     Kevin Swagel (kswagel at fmnh.org; 312-665-7736)
>   ><{{{{(*>     ><{{{{(*>      ><{{{{(*>      ><{{{{(*>      ><{{{{(*>

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