[NHCOLL-L:2254] Space still available in risk assessment workshop

Garnet Muething GMuething at mus-nature.ca
Fri Apr 16 08:27:41 EDT 2004

Space is still available in the workshop on "Assessing Risks to Your

Collection," to be offered in conjunction with the American Institute for

Conservation Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon on June 9, 2004.

Participants must also register for the Annual Meeting (one day or full

registration).  More information and registration materials can be found at

http://aic.stanford.edu <http://aic.stanford.edu/> 


Assessing Risks to Your Collection

Wednesday, June 9, 2004; 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Despite our best intentions, there will always be risks to collections.

Against which threats should you prepare?  At what cost?  This workshop

offers a method of assessing risks to collections in a team-based format.

Participants will learn to 1) identify the risks to which collections are

exposed, which agents are responsible, and how types of risks differ;  2)

assess the relative importance of risks; and 3) understand how risk

assessment can be used to set institutional priorities for conservation.

The workshop is a highly interactive training session which includes both

theoretical and practical components and in which the participants play an

important part.  Ideas are explored through lectures, demonstrations,

brainstorming in small groups, assembling of ideas, presentation, and


Instructor:  Robert Waller, Canadian Museum of Nature


For more information, contact:

Eric Pourchot, Ph.D.

Program Officer, Professional Development

American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works

1717 K Street, NW,  Suite 200

Washington, DC  20006

Phone:  202-452-9545, extension 12

Fax:  202-452-9328

e-mail:  epourchot at aic-faic.org

Website:  http://aic.stanford.edu <http://aic.stanford.edu/> 





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