[NHCOLL-L:2257] Facilities and Risk Management Survey

Beth Merritt bmerritt at aam-us.org
Tue Apr 20 13:29:40 EDT 2004

Dear Colleagues

Some of the information collections managers need to do their jobs is
currently being gathered via the 2004 American Association of Museums
Facilities and Risk Management Survey. You can help ensure this information
provides information that represents natural history collections by
encouraging your museum to answer the survey.

This survey was designed by a committee of 20 AAM Standing Professional
Committee representatives, including the Registrars Committee. Results will
include information on insurance, space allocation, policies regarding space
use (food, drink, open flames, etc), emergency preparedness, and more. The
results will be disseminated through AVISO, Museum News, sessions at the AAM
annual meeting, the AAM Information Center, and a publication.

Posted on the AAM Web site at http://www.aam-us.org/surveys/index.cfm
<http://www.aam-us.org/surveys/index.cfm>  is a list of all museums the
survey was mailed to (all AAM member museums, all accredited museums, and
4,000 non-member, non-accredited museums). If your museum did not receive a
survey, or lost its copy, please email me at bmerritt at aam-us.org
<mailto:bmerritt at aam-us.org>  and I will send you a copy. The survey was
sent to each museum's director's attention-but collections management staff
have a vested interest in ensuring it is completed! 

Thank you for your help. 

Yours sincerely

Beth Merritt
Registrars Committee/SPNHC liaison
Director, Museum Advancement & Excellence
American Association of Museums
1575 Eye Street, NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005

Join us for AAM's Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo(tm) 2004!
Thursday, May 6 - Monday, May 10 
New Orleans, Louisiana
Visit  www.aam-us.org for details

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