[NHCOLL-L:2400] Get Spammed in Minnesota - MCN 2004

MCN 2004 mcn2004 at igs.net
Tue Aug 24 11:47:46 EDT 2004

In addition to the great educational workshops and sessions at this year's
Museum Computer Network Conference (MCN) - Great Technology for
Collections, Confluence & Community, attendees will have a chance to have
some fun on these great tours:

Bus Tour to the Spam Museum Just as every Elvis fan longs to visit
Graceland, SPAM fans worldwide now have their own pilgrimage to make-to the
16,500 square-foot SPAM Museum,
opened in 2001. SPAM is historic and cultural! The museum houses 4,752 cans
of SPAM from all over the world and throughout the 67-year history of SPAM.

Learn about SPAM in World War II, or contemporary cookoffs in Hawaii, or
SPAM-carving contests in Seattle. A section of the museum, called Global
SPAM, features a world map showcasing the countries where SPAM is sold and
eaten, including South Korea, where SPAM is considered a delicacy!

If Spam doesn't whet your appetite, try our other fare:

~  Twin Town Tacky Tour
~  Minneapolis Site Seeing Tour and Visit to the Minneapolis Institute of
~  The St. Paul Gangster Tour 
~  Tour to the Mall of America

More information about tours, the preliminary program, and registration
information is available at: http://www.mcn.edu

See you in Minneapolis November 10-13!

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