[NHCOLL-L:2179] Mold on mollusk shell - bryozoan collection

Jill K. Harris jillharr at vmnh.net
Tue Jan 6 13:05:56 EST 2004


Please excuse cross-posting.  A co-worker posed the following question; and, I have no idea how to answer her.  Does anyone have experience with this problem?  Or, know anyone I could contact to discuss this with?  See her original message below....

Thanks in advance,
Jill K. Harris
Virginia Museum of Natural History
276-666-8618 (direct)
jillharr at vmnh.net
  Don't panic -- it's not our mold.  I'm supposed to help the people at the marine lab in Brazil curate the Marcus bryozoan collection -- it was stored for years in humid conditions in Sao Pauli, and when I looked the collection las year, I saw that many of the specimens, which are on dead shell substrata, were covered with networks of fungal growth -- I wondered if you have any collections listserv contacts that might be able to offer advice on how to get rid of it -- and keep it from re-occurring.  Judy
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