[NHCOLL-L:2246] Battling the Beetles - NYTimes Article

Roberta Faul-Zeitler faulzeitler at starpower.net
Wed Mar 31 13:31:14 EST 2004

March 31, 2004

Dear NHCOLL Friends:

It was gratifying to see that the New York Times, which does a
twice-a-year focus on museums, included a story in its special "Museum"
section today on pests in natural history collections. You all know how
interesting it is behind-the-scenes, and it's good that the Times lifted
the veil in natural history to make the public more aware of collections



Roberta Faul-Zeitler
Communications & Marketing
8904 Colesville Road
Silver Spring MD 20910 USA
Tel. (301) 565-0965
Email: faulzeitler at starpower.net

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