[NHCOLL-L:2275] e-mail

Gregory Watkins-Colwell gregory.watkins-colwell at yale.edu
Fri May 7 07:39:54 EDT 2004

The recent SPNHC newsletter has the contact e-mail for NHCOLL-L as my home 
e-mail address, rather than work.  For a while this was also the e-mail 
address for me on the web page, but that has been corrected.  I'm not sure 
how it all started, but the important thing is that NHCOLL-L related 
e-mails should not go to my home address as 1) my spam filter is removing 
some of them for some reason, 2) most of the requests I cannot do from home.

so..... anyone with NHCOLL-L related questions or problems etc. should 
contact me at gregory.watkins-colwell at yale.edu
and not gjwc at optonline.net


*       Gregory J. Watkins-Colwell                      *
*       Herpetology and Ichthyology                     *
*       Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History  *
*       170 Whitney Avenue, P. O. Box 208118            *
*       New Haven, CT  06520-8118                       *
*       Phone: 203/432-3791                     *
*       FAX: 203/432-2874                               *
*       http://www.peabody.yale.edu                     *
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