[NHCOLL-L:2292] Pest Management Listserve - SPNHC 2004 follow-up

Rachael Arenstein ArensteinR at si.edu
Wed May 19 16:08:05 EDT 2004

I would like to invite anyone interested in a more detailed discussion of issues surrounding Integrated Pest Management programs to join a Listserv dedicated to this topic.  The recent SPNHC Conference held last week at the American Museum of Natural History held a special interest group luncheon devoted to Pest Management issues and it is our hope that discussions and sharing of information can continue on this listserv.  
Leon Zak of Zak Software, who is part of the Image Permanence Institute team that developed the Environmental monitoring program Climate Notebook is the generous host of the List.  I have included below his information on how to subscribe.
Rachael Perkins Arenstein
National Museum of the American Indian - Research Branch
3401 Bruckner Boulevard
Bronx, NY 10461
e-mail: arensteinr at si.edu 
tel: (212) 514-3971; fax: (212) 514-3816
You, or anyone you know that would like to be on the list can
join by sending an email to listserv at zaks.com and putting this message in
the body: "subscribe   pmd   your_full_name"
To send a message to the list just email to pmd at zaks.com. It will go out to everyone on the list. IMPORTANT: when you hit reply to an email from the list it WILL go out to the complete list. Nothing wrong with this, but you
should know that is what will happen. If you want private responses, say that in your email and put your email address in the message.
If you are aware of a list or persons that would be interested in our
project, please let them know about us and how to subscribe.
  Leon Zak
  ZAK Software Inc.
  leon at zaks.com 

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