[NHCOLL-L:2299] FW: Noticias en Science esta semana (pdf)

Dan Brooks dbrooks at hmns.org
Fri May 28 11:43:10 EDT 2004


this is the real deal.  I'm writing to let you know about a situation that could compromise the future of Ornithology and most fieldwork in the country of Colombia.

Diego Calderon, a very talented young Colombian Ornithologist got kidnapped by the FARC (guerillas = misdirected hoodlum gangster jerks).  Attached is an article from the recent issue of Science.  

If you would like to write your thoughts to the FARC, go to www.rnoa.org/indexnuevo.html and there is a link at the bottom of the web page.  Anything you write will be filtered through a moderator, so don't worry about someone who might write something inapporpriate directly to the FARC...

Please say a prayer for Diego's prompt release,


ps - sorry for cross-posting

Daniel M. Brooks, Ph.D.
Cracid Specialist Group Chair
Curator of Vertebrate Zoology
dbrooks at hmns.org      (713) 639-4776    Fax (713) 639-4767
the Houston Museum of natural science
One Hermann Circle Drive, Houston, TX  77030-1799     

Check out the CSG websites

> ----------
> From: 	Andres M. Cuervo
> Reply To: 	Andres M. Cuervo
> Sent: 	Thursday, May 27, 2004 7:46 PM
> To: 	Undisclosed-Recipient:;
> Subject: 	Noticias en Science esta semana (pdf)
> >  <<ScienceMayo2004_Biologos_ConflictoColombia.pdf>> 
> Amigos,
> Los reporteros de Science sí se interesaron. Difundan la nota hasta donde puedan.
> Andres.
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