[NHCOLL-L:2435] Fwd: $$ Value of natural history collections

TIMOTHY TOMON tjt147 at psu.edu
Tue Sep 28 09:38:28 EDT 2004

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 21:24:24 +0000
From: Darren Pollock <beetledude at HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: $$ Value of natural history collections


I realize that natural history collections have "value" to a variety of
users, and for a variety of applications.  That being said, I have been
asked to come up with an estimate of the $$ value of our natural history
collection (!).  We are trying to convince our administration of the
importance of our holdings, and also the importance of the person originally
responsible for assembling the nucleus of the collection.

Do any curators out there know of a website, or document that has "average"
prices for prepared and curated insects or other natural history specimens?
I realize that there are sellers, from whom one can purchase insects, but
that does not take into account the cost of travel to acquire the specimen,
or the amount of work involved in preparing, labeling and storing it.
Perhaps this is an impossible task, but I'd like to come up with some sort
of estimate.  That should be difficult enough, but I also have to do the
same for the plants, herps, fishes and mammals!

Any help would be most appreciated!

I don't know if this is interesting enough for general consumption, so
PLEASE aim your replies at my personal e-mail address:
beetledude at hotmail.com

Thanks in advance for your help, and
cheers..........................................Darren Pollock

Dr. Darren A. Pollock,
Assistant Professor,
Head Curator of Collections,
ENMU Natural History Museum,
Department of Biology,
Eastern New Mexico University,
Portales, NM 88130
Phone: (505) 562-2862
fax: (505) 562-2192
**Have you borrowed specimens from the ENMU Nat. Hist. Museum today?**
email: darren.pollock at enmu.edu
insect stamp club: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/insectsonstamps/

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