[NHCOLL-L:2611] specimen values

Andrew Nelson anelson at Oswego.EDU
Fri Apr 1 10:56:35 EST 2005

Biologists at SUNY Oswego need to derive an estimate of the value of 
tissue samples preserved in ultra-cold storage for genetic analysis.  
This information will be used as part of the justification for modifying 
air conditioning and ventilation of the space where the ultra-cold 
freezers are kept.  Can anyone share references or experience on 
developing these kinds of estimates?

Please respond to anelson at oswego.edu. <anelson at oswego.edu> I will 
compile and share any information I receive.

Many thanks,
Andy Nelson

                      Andrew P. Nelson

Rice Creek Field Station            Campus Phone 315/312-2782
Oswego State University             RCFS Phone 315/312-7961
Oswego, New York 13126              RCFS FAX 315/312-7347
                    anelson at oswego.edu

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