[NHCOLL-L:2628] entomology collection cabinets & drawers

Janet Gillette jgillette at MNA.mus.az.us
Fri Apr 15 19:39:02 EDT 2005

The Museum of Northern Arizona is planning to purchase some new entomology
storage cases and I have two questions regarding cabinetry & drawers:


Does anyone have a favorite/preferred entomology cabinet vendor?  Viking
Metal, Steel Fixture, Lane Science, BioQuip, others?


Are all entomology drawers constructed of wood?  Are there any problems with
degassing, etc.?  We have Cornell style drawers but I don't know if they are
still considered acceptable.  Is there a better alternative?  


As always any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Happy Friday!



Janet Whitmore Gillette

Museum of Northern Arizona

3101 N. Fort Valley Road

Flagstaff, AZ  86001

(928) 774-5211 ext 265


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