[NHCOLL-L:2518] New Natural History Discussion group on Yahoo

Tim Gamble croixian at online.ie
Wed Jan 12 00:31:36 EST 2005


There is a new discussion group on natural history that is just starting on
Yahoo that some on this list may be interested in.  For those not familiar with
Yahoo groups, they operate as free listserves similair to this one.  The link
is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naturalhistorygroup   For full disclosure, I
am the group's moderator.

Here is the description from the group's homepage:

The purpose of this group is to promote the study and enjoyment of natural
history. Membership is open to anyone with a strong interest in any aspect
natural history whether they are scientists, museum professionals, educators,
students or amateurs. Serious discussions of all aspects of natural history are
encouraged. This may include posting of news articles, announcements of
upcoming books and articles, reviews of older books, discussions/reviews of
museums, parks and wildlife refuges, information on birding and hiking clubs,
notices of upcoming lectures, rare bird alerts, and questions/answers regarding
all aspects of natural history.

Museums, birding clubs and other organizations are especially encouraged to post
information about their schedules, programs and exhibits.

Job postings related to Natural History are also encouraged.

This group is moderated to help prevent spam and to keep discussions civil.

Tim Gamble

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