[NHCOLL-L:2682] Sperm Whale skeleton

inaki at goisolutions.net inaki at goisolutions.net
Mon Jun 6 16:06:26 EDT 2005


I´m a biologist working at  Whalesafari Andenes in Norway
(www.whalesafari.com). In this area we mainly see sperm whales, and that´s
what our centre is focused on. Since 1999 a skeleton from a stranded male
sperm whale is part of our exposition, but  the place where its lying it´s
quite humid and some bones have mold growing on it.

I´ve been working here the last two summers, and last year it took a lot
of effort to try to get rid of the mold and some of the fat that still
arises from some of the bones. It seems that initially they had the
skeleton in the sea from the summer 1997 to summer 1999. Then some of the
bones were cooked, and everything washed/treated with washing-powder.

Last year we tried hydrogen peroxid in some parts, also some bleach and
powerfull soaps, but the result was not satisfying, just a mere "make
up"... And this season the mold is back, in some other regions too...

I don´t have the means to describe the mold, besides telling that is black
coloured with a large portion beneath the bone surface, and a small
portion over it, and that it´s quite patchy.

This year we are to try the following procedure:

- Treat the bones with fungicide (I was thinking on a general one, like
used in swiming pools)

- Clean the bones with washing powder

- Cook-bleach the smallest of bones

But before doing so, I´d rather contact the "pro"s, and that´s why I´m
writting. What´s your protocoll for bone cleaning and preservation? Where
could I get a protocol for such purposes? Are we using the right products?
 It would be really nice if you could tip us on these matters.

The centre also has the intention to give the skeleton the third
dimension, and re-build it. Any comments on this? what tools, products
(glue type), should we use? Any article, book or protocol that you would
recommend on this subject?  to get information on this would be also
really nice.

Thanks in advance for your attention,

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Sincerely yours,

Inaki Etxebeste

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