[NHCOLL-L:2570] bird collections take flight in Dublin

Julia Sigwart julia.sigwart at ucd.ie
Thu Mar 3 12:03:59 EST 2005

Dear All,

Complete catalogues of all skins, taxidermy mounts, and skeleton 
specimens of non-passerines in the National Museum of Ireland 
(Natural History) are now available on-line (over 8,300 birds). 
Catalogues are available as PDF documents at

It is important to note that the labour used to database this 
collection came entirely from non-ornithologists (students and 
volunteers).  Many of the taxonomic names used are taken directly 
from the specimen labels, which have not been looked at for the most 
part since ca. 1900.  These catalogues are a DRAFT of the final 
published version which will be made available next summer.  If you 
do find errors, please notify our Chief Corrector, Eric Callaghan 
<eric.callaghan at ucd.ie>

This project, among many, has been done as a collaborative venture 
between the National Museum of Ireland and University College Dublin 
("Collections-based Biology in Dublin": CoBiD), which was founded two 
years ago. Cataloguing work on the non-passerine collection was 
completed from June 2003- August 2004.  Around 50% of the collection 
was never formally accesssioned before this project began (you will 
note a lot of catalogue numbers beginning 2003 and 2004!)

We are currently preparing the non-passerine catalogue for 
publication as an "electronic book" on CD-ROM including a searchable 
database as well as "printable" version similar to that currently 
available.  I would appreciate hearing from you if you are interested 
in getting a copy.



Julia Sigwart
Collections-based Biology in Dublin
National Museum of Irealnd &
University College Dublin

t. +353 (0)1 716 2195
e. julia.sigwart at ucd.ie

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