[NHCOLL-L:2672] Preparing specimens in-house, biohazard control

ALBE, Monica Jane mjaskel at berkeley.edu
Wed May 25 11:30:36 EDT 2005


I am interested in starting a volunteer program of specimen preparation at the MVZ.  To avoid any 
issues with people getting sick, I'm looking into improving our biohazard control practices in the 
Preparation Lab.

I'd like to get an idea of what other vertebrate museums are doing as far as dealing with West 
Nile, Rabies, etc. in their labs.  Does anyone use a Biological Safety Cabinet, or Fume Hood to 
prepare suspect specimens?  Any other recommendations?

Any input is appreciated (on or off the NHCOLL list).

Thank you,
Monica Albe
mjaskel at berkeley.edu

Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
3101 VLSB
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3160
phone: (510) 642-1379

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