[NHCOLL-L:2811] Katerina damage to GCRL Herbarium--help needed

Beth Merritt bmerritt at aam-us.org
Wed Sep 7 15:12:43 EDT 2005

This email message was just received by the American Association of
Museums. Can anyone who can provide advice or assistance please contact
Patrick Biber or Bill Hawkins directly at the phone numbers below? Thank
-----Original Message-----
From: sealifes [mailto:sealifes at tampabay.rr.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 2:52 PM

Subject: Herbarium at USM Gulf Coast Research Lab
 I regret to inform you that the 30 year, 5000+ specimen herbarium at
GCRL was completely flooded and mostly destroyed by Katrina. I am in the
process of determining if anything can be salvaged and how to best go
about doing this. If you have any contacts that could
assist in this process, please contact me on my cell (228) 238 1606 or
contact the lab director (Bill Hawkins) at 228 806-7717. 
Dr. Patrick Biber
Assistant Professor
Marine Botany

Posted by
Elizabeth Merritt
Director, Museum Advancement & Excellence
American Association of Museums
1575 Eye Street N.W., Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005

AAM100 1906-2006
Leadership to the Field
Service to the Public

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