[NHCOLL-L:3057] Alcohol Specimen Storage

Bob Glotzhober bglotzhober at ohiohistory.org
Mon Apr 24 15:41:36 EDT 2006

This is probably a repeat question on the list serve.  We have a very small number of cabinets (3 each, 36 wide, 18 deep and 72 inches high) with specimens stored in 70% alcohol.  The current cabinets we have are very basic and probably don't meet any fire codes -- although our buildings have been inspected by the fire department and nothing was said.  We are planning for some new storage and I am trying to find sources and types of cabinets that are designed for specimens stored in alcohol.  Can anyone give me some leads for companies that handle such units?

Bob Glotzhober

Robert C. Glotzhober
Curator, Natural History		Phone  614/ 297-2633
Ohio Historical Society		Fax      614/ 297-2233
1982 Velma Avenue			E-mail   bglotzhober at ohiohistory.org
Columbus, Ohio  43211-2497

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