[NHCOLL-L:3272] Dr. Richard Alexander, Rider University

Shirley Albright Shirley.Albright at SOS.STATE.NJ.US
Thu Dec 21 12:40:38 EST 2006

To those of you interested in predation on marine mollusks and
brachiopods or invertebrate paleontology, we were saddened to hear of
the accidental death this week of Dr. Richard Alexander of Rider
University, Lawrenceville, New Jersey.    A memorial service will be
held on January 26th at 3:00 pm on the Rider University Campus, Gill
Memorial Chapel.


Known to friends and colleagues alike as "Alex", Dr. Alexander died in a
scuba accident in St. Lucia.   Details are sketchy, but the delay in the
memorial service date is to accommodate students and others who were on
holiday break and will not return to campus until mid January.


Memorial contributions can be made to Rider University, in memory of Dr.
Richard Alexander.   Proceeds will benefit the Richard R. Alexander
Marine Aquarium Laboratory on campus.


Shirley S. Albright

Assistant Curator, Natural History Collections and Exhibitions,

Collections Database Administrator

New Jersey State Museum

33 W. State St., 3rd floor

PO Box 530

Trenton, NJ  08625-0530

(Office)  609.292.6331

(Fax)     609.292.7636


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