[NHCOLL-L:2953] natural science training

Vicki Papworth v.papworth at nhm.ac.uk
Mon Feb 6 08:25:03 EST 2006

Dear Colleagues,

I am the Editor for NatSCA (the Natural Sciences Collections Association) and I am in the process of trying to pull together an idea of what sort of training opportunities are available for Natural Sciences collections care / management and conservation. I'm interested in all schemes -  'formal' qualifications, trainee schemes, internships and volunteer placements.

I know that there are a few trainee schemes over the UK and am aware of the Natural Sciences MA that is jointly run by the RCA and the V&A here in London, and I've recently learned of the BSc from the School of Conservation in Copenhagen, Denmark. I'd be very interested to heap about any schemes or places that you are aware of, either at institutions at which you work, or in other places that you have come across. I am a little more familiar with things from the UK, so I'd be very grateful to everyone from the US, Canada and Europe if they could bear with my ignorance and maybe point me in the right direction. I'm also interested in places that offer specifically natural science focussed volunteer places.

thanks very much for all your help - please feel free to email me off list, if you would prefer, at V.Papworth at nhm.ac.uk

Editor - NatSCA
020 7942 5100


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