[NHCOLL-L:3101] RE: ~Re: Disposal of Fluid-Preserved Specimens

Randy Mercurio mercurio at amnh.org
Mon Jun 5 15:53:31 EDT 2006

Depending on the nature of the material it could 
be used for public educational purposes or the 
specimens can be dissected by individuals 
interested in internal anatomy (or simply a 
practice dissection, experimental preparation for 
microscopic techniques (SEM, TEM, confocal 
microscopy, etc.). Because collections space can 
be at a premium, material like this can be stored 
elsewhere for future possibilities.

  006, Shirley Albright wrote:
>Many of you have raised the possibility of 
>transferring the fluid-preserved specimens to 
>another institution.   I’ve been told the 
>objects have no data or identifications attached 
>with them, making them of rather limited 
>scientific value
..although I suppose if an 
>extinct species were included, it probably would 
>be worth saving in any circumstance.
>I’ll certainly pass on the comment, and let them 
>decide what course they wish to pursue.

Randy J. Mercurio
Scientific Assistant II
Arachnologist / Myriapodologist
Division of Invertebrate Zoology
American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West @ 79th Street
New York, N.Y. 10024-5192
Tel: (212) 769 - 5709
Fax: (212) 769 - 5277
mercurio at amnh.org
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