[NHCOLL-L:3105] RE: SV: RE: ~Re: Disposal of Fluid-Preserved Specimens

Shirley Albright Shirley.Albright at SOS.STATE.NJ.US
Tue Jun 6 09:51:01 EDT 2006

Good morning, Erik,


Thanks for your comments....an excellent point, by the way!    I've
forwarded your note to Jenny Martin at the Morris Museum who posed the
question in the first place.     If you - or anyone else - would like to
write to her directly, her email is   jmartin at morrismuseum.org


I agree....it pays to err on the side of caution when it comes to
undocumented "aliens" living in our collections.


I can recall coming across disintegrating boxes (several cabinets full!)
of fossil specimens with nothing on them except an oddly formatted
number written in pencil.    Eventually, I discovered they were field
collections made by a prominent New Jersey paleontologist in the early
1900s.    The numbers were his own locality numbers (which were
eventually found in an out of print published volume). 




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