[NHCOLL-L:2994] fumigation of nest cavities?

Charles M. Dardia cmd7 at cornell.edu
Wed Mar 8 08:31:49 EST 2006

Hello All,
I'm looking for some advice on pest control / fumigation of wooden 
objects.  We have some old and somewhat ugly logs with cavity nests, Acorn 
Woodpecker graineries. etc.  All the objects are currently housed in an old 
barn like structure and are full of rodent nests, spiders and I'm sure 
beetles.  I want to bring them into the collections proper and put them in 
cases but I don't want any pest tagging along.  I am reluctant to freeze 
these items but I am not sure fumigation will kill any pests deep in the 
wood.  Ideas?

Any suggestions appreciated.


Charles M. Dardia
Collections Manager
Cornell Museum of Vertebrates
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Voice: 607-254-2161
Fax: 607-254-2415  

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