[NHCOLL-L:3021] Long lost bumblebees

colin favret crf at uiuc.edu
Fri Mar 31 12:31:04 EST 2006

Hello all,
	A year ago Roger Maina's (deceased) son contacted me about some 
bumblebees he had taken on loan from the INHS in the 1940s. Upon 
picking the material up in Chicago, I found four non-INHS Schmidt 
boxes, two of which belong to Oregon State U. The other two are of 
unknown provenance, but the specimen labels themselves may hint as to 
whom they belong. Does anyone have any ideas as to who the rightful 
owner of these specimens may be? The two boxes are of the same 
type/style, so they probably belong to the same institution.

Box 1 contains 64 bumblebees collected by T. Paul Maslin in Vernon, BC, 
on 12 August 1949.
Box 2 contains 55 specimens collected by Hugo G. Rodeck in Dinosaur 
National Monument (UT) in July 1948.

Thanks much for any light that you can shed on these.

Cheerio, colin
Colin Favret, Insect Collection Manager
Illinois Natural History Survey
1816 S Oak Street
Champaign IL 61820, U.S.A.
crf at uiuc.edu

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