[NHCOLL-L:3235] Bryophyte specimen cotton padding

Deborah A Lewis dlewis at iastate.edu
Wed Nov 1 12:36:46 EST 2006

We are in need of purchasing some cotton padding (sometimes called 
"fluffies", I think) for protecting fragile bryophyte and lichen 
specimens. The padding is used inside the packets to keep the small 
plants from falling to the bottom of the packet. I have checked the 
Herbarium Supply Company online catalog, and the padding is listed as 
out of stock. Does anyone know of a supplier? A Google search turned 
up a reference to concern about the kind of bleaching of the cotton 
that can apparently at least affect lichen specimens -- is this also 
true for bryophytes? Can "first-aid" type cotton be used, or should 
it be avoided?

Any suggestions, published references, web-links or other help with 
this will be appreciated! My apologies for the cross-posting...

Deborah Q. Lewis, Curator
Ada Hayden Herbarium (ISC)             E-mail: dlewis at iastate.edu
Department of EEOB                        Phone: [1] 515-294-9499
Iowa State University                         FAX:  [1] 515-294-1337
Ames, IA  50011-1020 

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