[NHCOLL-L:3213] Museum environments course online in November

Helen Alten helen at collectioncare.org
Fri Oct 13 12:09:33 EDT 2006

***Course Announcement***

(Formerly Museum Environmental Control Systems)
Instructor: Ernest A. Conrad
Dates: November 14 through December 8, 2006
Price: $395
Location:  www.museumclasses.org

Preservation Environments is essential for anyone considering a new 
building or expanding or retrofitting an old one. Participants learn about 
methods for controlling temperature and humidity and the advantages and 
disadvantages of each. Preservation Environments does not try to turn 
museum professionals into engineers, but it does equip them with the 
vocabulary and basic knowledge necessary to represent the interests of the 
collection with facilities engineers and maintenance professionals.  Learn 
when and how to monitor, how to read psychrometric charts, how to determine 
the environmental control capacities of your building, and where the future 
might lead museums.

Course Outline
1.      Introduction
2.      Climate Control Basics
3.      Monitoring and Psychrometrics
4.      Water  The Enemy
5.      Preservation Tomorrow
6.      Conclusion

Participants in Preservation Environments work at their own pace through 
six sections and interact through online chats. Instructor Ernest Conrad is 
available at scheduled times during the course for email support. 
Preservation Environments includes online literature, slide lectures and 
student-teacher/group-teacher dialog. The course is limited to 20 

Preservation Environments runs four weeks. Sign up at www.museumclasses.org 
and pay for the course at http://www.collectioncare.org/tas/tas.html. If 
you have trouble completing an on-line order, please contact Helen Alten at 
helen at collectioncare.org or Eric Swanson at eric at collectioncare.org

The Instructor:
For over 20 years, Mr. Conrad has focused on environmental issues. He is 
president of Landmark Facilities Group, Inc., an engineering firm 
specializing in environmental systems for museums, libraries, archives and 
historic facilities.  A licensed Professional Engineer in Mechanical 
Engineering in several states, Mr. Conrad holds a Bachelor of Science 
Degree in Civil Engineering and a Master's Degree in Environmental 
Engineering from Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

A well-respected and honored member of many professional organizations, his 
greatest contribution to the preservation field was the development of 
environmental guidelines for engineers who work on museums, libraries and 
archives.  The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and 
Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) publishes standards in the areas 
of HVAC and refrigeration. Mr. Conrad recently co-authored the ASHRAE 
Applications Handbook "Chapter 20:  Museums, Libraries and Archives."  For 
the first time, there are guidelines specific to our needs in the 
engineering literature.
Mr. Conrad has studied environments and designed special climate control 
systems throughout the United States for clients as well-known as the 
National Gallery of Art, Library of Congress, The Frick Collection, Getty 
Conservation Institute, The Pierpont Morgan Library, National Trust for 
Historic Preservation, and National Park Service. He has a special interest 
in house museums and how climate affects structures and collections housed 
within those structures. Mr. Conrad shares his incredible expertise through 
lectures at New York University, the Fashion Institute of Technoloty, the 
National Preservation Institute and Simmons College.
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