[NHCOLL-L:3384] upcoming conferences

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Sat Apr 14 08:22:36 EDT 2007

Two items from the Conservation DistList:
Date: 13 Apr 2007
From: Stefan Simon <s.simon [at]  smb__spk-berlin__de>
Subject: Call for papers--Conference on  biocides

Cultural heritage between conservation and contamination: The  issue
of biocidal products in museum collections and  monuments

National Museums in Berlin, Dahlem Museums
Lansstrasse  8
14195 Berlin-Dahlem
November 29 -December 1, 2007

In  the past a great variety of biocidal heavy metal compounds and
persistent  organic pesticides were applied in a large scale for the
liquidation of pests  as well as for preventive measures for
long-term preservation of our cultural  heritage. Only recently,
public and expert attention starts to focus  increasingly on the
risks resulting from these treatments for human health,  the works of
art and the environment in general. Arsenic, lead and  mercury-based
biocides as well as those of organo-chlorine,  organo-phosphoric, and
organo-tin compounds, their long-term behaviour and  possible options
for their removal are becoming a focus of attention.  Evolving from
issues related to contaminated objects in museum collections  and
historic monuments, the discussions will cover legal and  political
aspects, the scientific methodology for a reliable assessment  of
health and environmental risks and mitigation strategies at  the
laboratory and industrial levels.

With this seminar, the National  Museums in Berlin embrace their
responsibility as a cultural institution  which is largely concerned
with these issues.  The seminar aims to raise  the general awareness
of biocide contamination of cultural heritage,  compiling state of
the art analysis and mitigation approaches and  eventually
contributing to the identification of possible gaps in current  and
future researches.

The workshop will bring together experts and  decision makers for a
discussion about current approaches for facing the  challenges posed
by contaminated collections and monuments.

The  seminar will consist of several invited lectures by
international experts in  the field. Major topics that will be
addressed include:

Historical development, analytical and conservation aspects of
biocide contamination

Health hazards inflicted by  contaminated art and cultural

Options for sustainable cleaning and detoxification strategies
including risk management

During the second day of the seminar, round  table discussions
focusing on these main topics will provide opportunities  for
exchange between the invited lecturers and the workshop
participants.  Excursions presenting selecting case studies in the
region will be offered on  the third day of the seminar.

Papers are accepted. Some of them will be  selected for oral
presentation, the remaining ones may be presented as  posters.

Registration: The registration fee is 100 Euro, students  discount 50
Euro. The fee covers information materials, assistance to  the
sessions and coffee breaks. After October 27, 2007, the  registration
fee will be 150 Euro. Registration will be limited to  100


Eveline  Weilert
e.weilert [at] smb__spk-berlin__de
+49  30 32674919
Fax: +49 30 32674912

German:  <URL:http://www.smb.museum/rf>
English:  <URL:http://www.smb.spk-berlin.de/

****  Moderator's comments: The above URL has been wrapped for
email. There should be no newline.

The deadline for Abstracts is October  12, 2007

Language: The presentations will be in English and German.  Bilingual
abstracts will be distributed. Simultaneous translation will  be
available during the entire seminar.

Participation: The seminar is  open to everyone. The subject matter
is of particular interest to  conservators, natural scientists and
decision-makers in museums and in the  area of cultural heritage as
well as producers of safety materials and  cleaning companies. A
certificate of attendance will be  granted.

Organization: The seminar is organized by the Rathgen  Research
Laboratory with the National Museums of Berlin in collaboration  with
the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM),  the
Brandenburg State Office for Conservation and LAGetSi,  Berlin.

Stefan Simon
Rathgen Forschungslabor
Staatliche  Museen zu Berlin
Schlossstrasse 1A
D - 14059 Berlin
+49 30 3267  4910
Fax: +49 30 3267 4912


Date:  10 Apr 2007
From: Melissa J. Huber <huber.phares [at]  gmail__com>
Subject: Call for Posters

Call for Posters

>From  Gray Areas to Green Areas: Developing Sustainable Practices in
Preservation Environments
Austin, Texas
November 1-3, 2007

Hosted  by the Kilgarlin Center for Preservation of the Cultural
Record at the  University of Texas at Austin with the Getty
Conservation Institute and the  UT Center for Sustainable Development

Poster abstracts are being accepted  from professionals and students
for the upcoming symposium, From Gray Areas  to Green Areas:
Developing Sustainable Practices in Preservation  Environments. This
three-day symposium will examine sustainable practices in  cultural
heritage preservation environments. Keynote speaker May  Cassar,
Professor of Sustainable Heritage at University College,  London,
will lead the roster of papers and poster sessions on  topics

Policy and Politics
Costs and Benefits
Engineering, Adaptive Reuse and New  Buildings
Indoor Environments
Practicality and  Practices

Submission Guidelines: Poster abstracts (no more than 300  words)
should be submitted by email in English as PDF or Word  files.
Submissions should include a title, the name of author(s)  with
institutional affiliation and contact information, and a  one-page
resume for each speaker. In addition, the poster abstract  should
address the scope of the project/research to be presented and how  it
relates to the topic of sustainable practices in  preservation
environments. Authors or accepted posters will receive a  discount on
the cost of registration.

Deadline for Submission: Poster  abstracts should be submitted to the
Poster Session Coordinator by May 31  2007. If you are unable to send
in your submission via email, please contact  the Session Coordinator
to make other arrangements. You will be notified  whether your
abstract was accepted by June 15, 2007. Additional poster  guidelines
and session information will be provided to you at that  time.

Send submissions and/or questions to:

Melissa  J. Huber
Poster Session Coordinator
huber.phares [at] gmail__com

For registration and more information  visit


Melissa J.  Huber
Candidate, M. S. Historic Preservation
TA, Architectural  Conservation Lab
School of Architecture
University of Texas at  Austin

Catharine Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church  VA 22043-3026 USA
t/f 703.876.9272

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