[NHCOLL-L:3526] RE: Science Museum of Minnesota

Judith Price JPRICE at mus-nature.ca
Thu Aug 2 11:19:06 EDT 2007



Thanks for pointing out we made friends in so many places, including the
historical society and even the hotel pub (seriously, they put up with a
lot!)  You were all wonderful hosts, and our thoughts are with you and
your families and friends.




-----Original Message-----
From: Anita F. Cholewa [mailto:chole001 at umn.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 11:15 AM
To: Judith Price
Subject: Re: [NHCOLL-L:3524] Science Museum of Minnesota


Those of us at the Bell Museum are also okay.  The bridge collapse was
near the Univ. of Minnesota main campus but mostly only affects our
routes to work and parking.

Anita Cholewa

Judith Price wrote: 

We had such a good time with you folks at the meeting in May, now in
watching the news of the bridge collapse I hope one of you will have a
spare moment to let us know if everyone is OK.  Best wishes and hopes
for all those affected.




Judith C. Price

Secretary, Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections

Please visit us at http://spnhc.org/

Assistant Collection Manager, Invertebrates

Canadian Museum of Nature

PO Box 3443, Station D

Ottawa, ON  K1P 6P4

jprice at mus-nature.ca

tel. 613 566-4263

fax 613 364-4027


Please visit us at www.nature.ca




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