[NHCOLL-L:3322] Call for papers Triennial Meeting ICOM-CC in New Delhi

Andries J. van Dam A.J.van_Dam at lumc.nl
Thu Feb 8 10:05:31 EST 2007

Dear colleagues,

Attached you will find the "call for papers" for the 2008 ICOM-CC triennial
meeting in New Delhi. I hope that many of you will submit an abstract for
presentation at this exciting venue. More information can be found on the
ICOM-CC website http://www.icom-cc.org/TriennialMeetings/


Dries van Dam

Andries J. van Dam
Conservator, Co-ordinator ICOM-CC Working Group Natural History Collections

As from 25-1-2006 our new address will be:
Museum of Anatomy
Leiden University Medical Center
Postal zone T7-P
P.O. Box 9600 
2300 RC Leiden 
The Netherlands 
tel: +31 (0)71 526 9581
fax: +31 (0)71 526 8275
E-mail: A.J.van_Dam at lumc.nl
Visiting address: Hippocratespad 21, gebouw 3

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