[NHCOLL-L:3277] Accessibility of CAS/DS herbarium

Trock, Debra dtrock at calacademy.org
Thu Jan 4 18:45:44 EST 2007

To: Herbarium Curators and Collections Managers


As many of you know, the California Academy of Sciences herbarium (CAS/DS)
has been operating in temporary facilities since 2004.  Late in 2007 we will
begin preparations to move the collections to our new building in Golden Gate
Park.  The move will take place some time during the first half of 2008.  At
this time we anticipate that the herbarium collections will be entirely
inaccessible for roughly 2-3 months, and parts of the collection may be
inaccessible for longer than that.  In addition our ability to fill loan
requests will be somewhat curtailed (or at least slowed) for some period both
before and after the move.


The CAS/DS herbarium will occupy five separate "rooms" in our new museum.
Therefore it will be essential to make plans as to how to split the
collections well in advance of moving day, so accurate information about what
we have outstanding is my primary goal at this point.  I can make estimates
from our loan paperwork, but I may be contacting some of you if I have
questions about how much space some of the larger loans are currently
occupying at your institutions.


We are also EXTEMELY short-staffed at this point, so if you or anyone at your
institution has a loan of specimens from us, and is planning to return it
within the next year or so, it would aid us immensely if we could get those
loans back far enough in advance to get them filed back in to the
collections.  Conversely, if you or any of your students are planning to
request that loans be sent to you any time before mid-2008 it might be a good
time to think about getting those loan requests to us.


If the building plans go as scheduled (and they are at this point), I will be
putting a moratorium on outgoing loans and asking you not to send any return
loans beginning probably sometime next fall or early winter. More specific
information as it becomes available.


The new California Academy should be a show-piece, so we hope you all can pay
a visit after we open in late 2008!!


And, please excuse the cross postings to list serves.


Dr. Debra Trock

Collections Manager, CAS/DS Herbarium



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