[NHCOLL-L:3471] the odor of PDB & respirators

Leishawn Spotted Bear lspottedbear at fwmsh.org
Thu Jun 21 11:22:11 EDT 2007



We have recently acquired an orphaned collection from a local
university.  The curator has moved all twenty-four cabinets into our new
off-site storage facility, and during the move, vacuumed out PDB
crystals from each unit.  So... as expected, the resonating PDB odor is
so strong that it has permeated our "room", and has traveled to the
adjacent room which houses artifacts.  We will have staff that will be
working in both rooms to re-shelve specimens and artifacts, and as I
just found out, "we" will be inventorying the orphaned collection.  


Is there something I can do to alleviate the odor - would activated
charcoal work or any other methods recommended?

Also, I am looking into full-face respirators to use while working with
the PDB'd orphaned collection - is there a specific respirators you all


Any advice would be greatly appreciated,

~ Leishawn



Leishawn Spotted Bear

Assistant Curator of Science

Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

1501 Montgomery Street

Fort Worth, Texas 76107



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