[NHCOLL-L:3350] AMNH Paleontology summer internships

Christopher A. Norris norris at amnh.org
Wed Mar 7 12:03:11 EST 2007

Apologies for cross-posting

The Division of Paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History is
offering a small number of full-time, 8-week internships for graduate or
undergraduate students in paleontology, life sciences, museum studies, or
related fields (July 1 start). The interns will participate in an
NSF-funded project to upgrade the fossil mammal collections at AMNH.
Details of the two aspects of the project can be found on the Division of
Paleontology website via the following links:



The interns will work with collection management, preparation, and
conservation staff to carry out collection inventories; construct archival
quality housings for specimens and associated labels; georeference
specimen localities; and upgrade on-line collections data.

A stipend will be provided as support over the internship period.
Interested parties should email a CV and cover letter to be received no
later than March 30, 2006 to:

Christopher A. Norris
Director of Collections & Archives
Division of Paleontology
e-mail: Norris at amnh.org

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