[NHCOLL-L:3436] Coal dust removal

Steve Sullivan ssullivan at naturemuseum.org
Wed May 9 11:31:01 EDT 2007

MessageMany of our mineral, shell, and coral specimens have a residue that
appears to be coal dust from the old heating system of the building.  In
some drawers the specimens are completely black, though most are just
lightly soiled, labels sometimes are uniformly dusted along with the
specimen and unit tray.  Does anyone have experience methods or materials
for removing this sticky dust?


Steven M. Sullivan
Collections Manager
Chicago Academy of Sciences
Notebaert Nature Museum
2430 North Cannon Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60614
P: 773-755-5100x2042
F: 773-755-5199

Maintaining a physical record of Midwestern biodiversity since 1857.
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