[NHCOLL-L:3570] Mammoth Posting for a Colleague

Del Re, Christine delre at mpm.edu
Tue Sep 11 11:26:43 EDT 2007

	Our museum just purchased a disarticulated mammoth skeleton.  My primary question for those of you who work with vertebrate collections is how do you label such a behemoth? (There are over 100 bones.) What is your system?  For example, do you use one catalog number and then follow with either numbers or letters? I understand that whatever is suggested will have to be consistent with our current catalog system but I am interested in any current thoughts and standards related to this procedure. 

	Also, what material do you use to label/tag the item(s)?

	Responses can be sent to thomae at mpm.edu instead of the entire listserv.

	Many thanks

	Dawn Scher Thomae
	Milwaukee Public Museum

Christine Del Re		Voice:	(414) 278-2780
Senior Conservator		Fax:	(414) 278-6100
Milwaukee Public Museum	e-mail:	delre at mpm.edu
800 W. Wells St.
Milwaukee, WI  53233-1478

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