[NHCOLL-L:3833] PRI Collections database

Judith Nagel-Myers jn226 at cornell.edu
Thu Apr 17 12:35:23 EDT 2008

www.pricollectionsdatabase.org – The Paleontological Research Institution
goes online

The Paleontological Research Institution is in the final phases of the
computerization of its Type and Figured Specimen Collection. This
NSF-funded project has resulted in the creation of an online database of
one of the largest and most important invertebrate paleontology type
collections in the United States.  This portion of PRI's collections
contains more than 14,800 specimens, with a major focus on Cenozoic
molluscs.  The collection also includes most of the types formerly in the
Cornell University invertebrate fossil collection, which were transferred
to PRI during the 1970s. Many of the specimens included in the database
are published in PRI’s flagship journal, Bulletins of American
Paleontology (the oldest paleontological periodical in the United States).
The new PRI Collections database homepage www.pricollectionsdatabase.org
provides detailed information about the types deposited in the Collection.
Locality, stratigraphic, and publication information of each individual
type can be accessed online as well as images of the primary types and
their original labels. We are also pleased to announce that we are now
part of Paleoportal, http://www.paleoportal.org, which enables us to
integrate our online specimen data with those of other major collections.

Dr. Judith Nagel-Myers
Collections Database Manager
The Paleontological Research Institution
1259 Trumansburg Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

Ph:   (607) 273.6623 x 21
Fax:  (607) 273.6620

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