[NHCOLL-L:4110] Graduate Student Award / Training Opporunity

Robert Gropp rgropp at aibs.org
Fri Dec 5 17:37:00 EST 2008

Graduate Student Award / Training Opporunity

2009 AIBS Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award

Applications Due by 5 PM Eastern, Friday, 6 February 2009

The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS, www.aibs.org) is 
pleased to announce that applications are being accepted for the 2009 
AIBS Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award (EPPLA). The EPPLA 
program enables graduate students in the biological sciences to 
receive first-hand experience in the science policy arena.

Recipients receive:

- A trip to Washington, DC, during spring 2009 to participate in a 
Biological and Ecological Sciences Coalition (BESC) Congressional 
Visits Day (target dates are 21-22 April 2009). The BESC CVD is an 
annual event that brings scientists and science educators to 
Washington, DC, to advocate for federal funding for the biological sciences.

- The EPPLA will attend briefings by key officials from the White 
House and Congress and a Capitol Hill reception honoring a member of Congress.

- The EPPLA will participate in meetings with their Senators and 

- A certificate and 1-year AIBS membership, including subscription to 
BioScience and a copy of Communicating Science: A Primer for Working 
with the Media.

Application Process and Requirements:

Applications for the 2009 EPPLA will be accepted from graduate 
students (master's or doctoral) in the biological sciences with a 
demonstrated interest in and commitment to biological science and/or 
science education policy. Applications must be submitted to 
publicpolicy at aibs.org no later than 5 PM eastern time on Friday, 6 
February 2009. The subject line of the e-mail should include "EPPLA 
2009" and the applicant's name.

- Cover letter. Describe your interest in science policy issues and 
how participation in this CVD event would further your career goals. 
Confirm your ability to travel to Washington, DC, during spring 2009.

- Statement: In 500 words, articulate the importance of federal 
funding for biological research. The objective of the CVD is to 
communicate to policy-makers the importance of fundamental biological 
sciences research to the nation. How would you convince your 
congressional delegation of the importance of basic biological 
research (e.g., that supported by the National Science Foundation)? 
Prepare a statement that emphasizes the benefits of biological 
research, drawing on your own experience and/or research area, and 
referencing local issues that may be of interest to your 
congressional delegation as appropriate.

- Resume (1 page): Your resume should emphasize leadership and 
communication experience -- this may include graduate, undergraduate, 
or non-academic activities. Please include education, work 
experience, honors and awards, and scientific society memberships. 
Please do not list conference presentations, abstracts or scientific 

- Letter of reference: Ask an individual who can attest to your 
leadership, interpersonal and communication skills to send a letter 
on your behalf to publicpolicy at aibs.org by 6 February 2009. This 
individual should also be familiar with your interest in or 
experience with science or science education policy issues.

Note: Prior EPPLA recipients and AIBS science policy interns/fellows 
are not eligible.

Questions about the award should be addressed to publicpolicy at aibs.org.


- Communicating Science: A Primer for Working with the Media -- A new 
publication from the AIBS Public Policy Office.  Buy your copy today, 
go to: http://www.aibs.org/bookstore/communicating_science.html

- Receive the latest science policy news, sign up for the AIBS Public 
Policy Report at http://www.aibs.org/public-policy-signup/
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