[NHCOLL-L:3763] Bird and animal skins treated with arsenic

Morris, Robert (SAM) Morris.Robert at saugov.sa.gov.au
Thu Feb 14 23:00:58 EST 2008

Dear All,


A number of our older bird and animal skins have been treated with
arsenic (arsenical soap for example) and some may even have been treated
with iodine cyanide as pest management measures. How I wish we could
still use them today as they certainly keep pests at bay. We are about
to commence a major redevelopment of our biodiversity galleries so a
number of these specimens will be cleaned. Has anyone developed Safe
Operating Procedures (SOP) for these chemicals?


Any help or advice would be appreciated




Robert Morris

Head of Collections

South Australian Museum

Tel : 82077455 Fax : 82077222



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