[NHCOLL-L:3719] Re: NSCA - NSF Collections Survey Participation

Dan Young Young at entomology.wisc.edu
Mon Jan 21 13:25:27 EST 2008

Hello All,

Incoming email for the past week clearly indicates this survey is
generating a good deal of curiosity 
and confusion.  I've received several messages - and forwarded messages
- strongly encouraging
me to participate in filling out the survey, not filling out the
survey, not being eligible to fill out the
survey, or awaiting some other survey that will be forthcoming.

Can anyone truly set this all straight and let all of us know?

As director of an entomological research collection, I am very
interested in participating as appropriate,
and I'm happy to see all the attention being focused on our collections
and collection resources.  But
we also seem (as is common) to not have our act together!



Dan Young

Dr. Daniel K. Young
Professor of Entomology and
Director, UW Insect Research Collection
445 Russell Laboratories
Department of Entomology
1630 Linden Drive
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI  53706

ph.  608-262-2078
fax  608-262-3322

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