[NHCOLL-L:3730] Fwd: Launch of the ICOM-CC forum site WG-interactions

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Tue Jan 29 10:06:14 EST 2008

Catharine Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church  VA 22043-3026 USA
t/f 703.876.9272  

 From: A.J.van_Dam at lumc.nl
To: abigail.bagley-young at courtauld.ac.uk,  agnes.brokerhof at icn.nl, 
akagiadaki at yahoo.gr, alice.cole at rca.ac.uk,  alice.tate-harte at courtauld.ac.uk, 
allysonmcdermott at btconnect.com,  andreas.schulze at lfd.smi.sachsen.de, 
anne.rinuy at mah.ville-ge.ch,  apinzl at worldnet.att.net, archive at msim.org.uk, arnebak at online.no,  
artconserv at cantv.net, baba.keita at epa-prema.net, babke.aarts at museum.uu.nl,  
ballardm at scmre.si.edu, barbara.schertel at gmx.net, bev-jbr at brede.natmus.min.dk,  
bev-ps at brede.natmus.min.dk, boon at amolf.nl, c.theodlos at vam.ac.uk,  
c.v.horie at man.ac.uk, c.walton at vam.ac.uk, cahawks at aol.com,  carole_dignard at pch.gc.ca, 
catherine.sease at yale.edu, cdegrigny at mcr.edu.mt,  cg at iccrom.org, chahine at mnhn.fr, 
colinpearson at iprimus.com.au,  cordelia.rogerson at rca.ac.uk, cultural.heritage at icn.nl, 
 david at pinniger.globalnet.co.uk, David_Grattan at pch.gc.ca, delre at mpm.edu,  
dpineda at uv.mx, elenalo16 at hotmail.com, emmafischer007 at hotmail.com,  
epa at epa-prema.net, ethos at thegrid.net, floreal.daniel at montaigne.u-bordeaux.fr,  
genevieve.aitken at culture.fr, gg at iccrom.org, gpanag at teiath.gr,  h.newey at nmsi.ac.uk, 
hamannb at carnegiemuseums.org, harnott at vam.ac.uk,  hdumka at glenbow.org, 
heidrungassner at hotmail.com, helen.dowding at courtauld.ac.uk,  helen.evans at rca.ac.uk, 
hhnnc at yahoo.com, hoffmann at dsm.de,  ian.macleod at museum.wa.gov.au, ibby.lanfear at hotmail.com, 
IHardy at NRCan.gc.ca,  info at foremalsvard.bd.se, info at lnm.lt, 
inquirycentre at qm.qld.gov.au,  j.goepfrich at ledermuseum.de, jacqueline.ridge at tate.org.uk,  
jan.wouters at kikirpa.be, Janet.Hawley at bs.ch, jean-jacques.ezrati at culture.fr,  
jmreif at tin.it, jon.brenne at niku.no, k.ntanos at vam.ac.uk, kaminitzm at si.edu,  
karen_vidler at hotmail.com, katja.tovar at rca.ac.uk, kirsch at mnhn.fr,  
kristiane.straetkvern at natmus.dk, labo.inp at gnet.tn,  lars-erik.barkman at etnografiska.se, 
lavedrin at mnhn.fr,  lhbcnc at smtp.ntrust.org.uk, library at iccrom.org, lisa.pilosi at metmuseum.org,  
louise.parris at rca.ac.uk, lucyfer at ntlworld.com, lucywrapson at hotmail.com,  
m.kite at vam.ac.uk, m.reilly at museum.gla.ac.uk,  
mads.christian.christensen at natmus.dk, mali.can at afribone.net.ml,  manjit.debashis at courtauld.ac.uk, mav at kb.dk, 
melissa.gunter at rca.ac.uk,  michael.miller at courtauld.ac.uk, monika.akerlund at nrm.se,  
naomiluxford at hotmail.com, nsp at iccrom.org, NYConsnFdn at aol.com,  
Palmer.Lisa at nmnh.si.edu, rachel_morrison at hotmail.com,  rcareythomas at hotmail.com, 
rgagnier at gallery.ca, riitta.koskivirta at fmp.fi,  riittako at sunshine.fmp.fi, 
rise.taylor at bm.uib.no, rl at kons.dk,  robert.child at nmgw.ac.uk, Roberts at frick.org, 
RWALLER at mus-nature.ca,  s.arah at virgin.net, sallytaor at yahoo.com, secretariat at icom-cc.org,  
setsuo.imazu at nifty.ne.jp, Sharon.Little at mcc.gouv.qc.ca,  
simon_cane at birmingham.gov.uk, sral at wxs.nl, sstollman at cantmus.govt.nz,  stancoff at mef.org.ar, 
stephen.gayler at courtauld.ac.uk, szoke at ace.hu,  thea.van.oosten at icn.nl, 
tim.white at yale.edu, timea at ekno.com, ucftaru at ucl.ac.uk,  ucftcej at ucl.ac.uk, ucfteen at ucl.ac.uk, 
ucftmnc at ucl.ac.uk, ucftnba at ucl.ac.uk,  ucftrwo at ucl.ac.uk, ucftsjr at ucl.ac.uk, 
Vinodd at Austmus.gov.au,  vldgreene at udel.edu, vm at iccrom.org, 
vonEndtD at SCMRE.SI.EDU,  wadum.j at mauritshuis.nl, wittert at juno.com, Y.J.Chen at npm.gov.tw,  
ysbrand.hummelen at icn.nl
Sent: 1/29/2008 6:31:32 A.M. Eastern Standard  Time
Subj: Launch of the ICOM-CC forum site WG-interactions

Dear members of ICOM-CC,

the official  forum site of ICOM-CC is now ready to be explored and used. 
By inviting  you to participate in this forum, ICOM-CC aims to stimulate more 
interactions  between our multidisciplinary membership. You can raise 
topics/join  discussions, private or with as much of your colleague-members or 
Working  Groups involved, live, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, from every part of 
the  world. 

Please read the following info very carefully. As  administrator of the site, 
I need your support to turn this forum site into a  success. 
Most of the info can also be found  on the forum site and should be seen as a 
comprehensive manual to get started  and acquainted with the site.

WG-interactions is a forum  site that gives ICOM-CC members the unique 
opportunity to start discussions in  their own Working Group or with members of 
other Working Groups on subjects  that benefit from an interdisciplinary approach. 
Just post a topic to the  listed Working Groups that you want to be involved. 
Members of those WG's can  react and give their own opinion about the matter 
or provide you with their  professional advise.

Important! Before you  register, read this:
Your registration will only be valid when  following criteria are met: --1-- 
You have to register with your last name  as your username (in case of 
identical usernames followed by a digit).  Example: The username of John Smith will 
be entered as "smith" and that of  Will Smith as "smith1". --2-- Once you have 
registered and logged in, you  have to click the "Profile" button in the top 
menu bar, enter your ICOM-number  in the "Location" field, and finish by 
clicking the “Submit” button at the end  of the form. Important: When one or both 
criteria are not met, the  administrator will regard you as a non-member and 
remove you from the  site.

What are  moderators?
Moderators are individuals (in this case the  WG-coordinators) whose job it 
is to look after the running of their  (WG-)forums from day to day. They have 
the power to edit or delete posts and  lock, unlock, move, delete and split 
topics in the forum they moderate.  Generally moderators are there to prevent 
people going off-topic or  posting abusive or offensive material. 

What can  you expect from me, the administrator?
The administrator is  assigned the highest level of control over the entire 
board. He can control  all facets of board operation, which include setting 
permissions, banning  users, creating user groups or moderators, etc. He also has 
full moderator  capabilities in all the forums. I am also there to assist you 
when you need  help.

Help, is there a user's  manual?
If you are afraid to push buttons without knowing what  next will happen or 
feel uncomfortable without a manual explaining how to use  the forum, please go 
to the "FAQ" button in the top menu bar of the forum  site. It deals with all 
user's issues in a well-structured and explanatory  way. For step-by-step 
help, a support site with very useful flash tutorials is  available: 

Please register now and go to the forum site WG-interactions: 
_http://icom-cc-wg.phpbb24.com_ (http://icom-cc-wg.phpbb24.com/) 

Let’s  get interactive!

Best regards,

Dries van Dam (registered on the  forum site with the username “vandam”)

Administrator  WG-interactions, the official forum site of ICOM-CC:
_http://icom-cc-wg.phpbb24.com_ (http://icom-cc-wg.phpbb24.com/) 

Coordinator  ICOM-CC Working Group Natural History Collections

E-mail:  A.J.van_Dam at lumc.nl

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     
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