[NHCOLL-L:4039] Cleaning dioramas

Beth Alberty BALBERTY at brooklynkids.org
Tue Oct 28 12:47:28 EDT 2008

BCM has just inaugurated several small open dioramas --a pond, a stream,
a park 'woodlands,' and some mini-dunes. All have specimens (birds,
mammals, insects) plus faux foliage, grasses, trees, etc. I'm interested
in any tips on cleaning. So far, I'm using a variable speed vacuum with
small attachments, soft brushes for the birds/mammal specimens,
compressed air for insects (carefully), alcohol, distilled water,
microfiber cloths. I'm thinking of trying screening (maybe one of those
round pot covers) to hold some of the loose ground cover stable while I
use a low-speed on the vacuum, although that won't work in more cramped
areas. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who's got established or
improvised techniques or tools or has tips about being efficient at
this. Thanks.

Beth Alberty
Director of Collections
Brooklyn Children's Museum
145 Brooklyn Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11213
tel: 718 735 4400 x170
fax: 718 735 5664
Visit our collection online at www.brooklynkids.org/emuseum

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