[NHCOLL-L:3964] Fwd: [ACUMG-L] Building Museums: Call for Proposal

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Mon Sep 8 14:48:13 EDT 2008

Catharine Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church  VA 22043-3026 USA
t/f 703.876.9272  

 From: marycase at qm2.org
Reply-to: ACUMG-L at yahoogroups.com
To:  ACUMG-L at yahoogroups.com
Sent: 9/8/2008 12:46:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: [ACUMG-L] Building Museums: Call for Proposal

All: Here's the call for session proposal for the MAAM Building Museum  
conference (5th year!) which will be held in Washington, 2/26-28/2009. If you  are 
building, expanding, or renovating, this is the conference for you. If  you've 
recently completed a project and have something you'd like to share,  think 
about submitting a proposal. If you'd like to speak to me more about  this 
conference, please feel free to call or email.

Mary Case,  Co-Founder
Qm2: Quality Management to a Higher Power
1243 E Street SE,  Washington, DC 20003
202/256-6439, _marycase at qm2.mar_ (mailto:marycase at qm2.org) , 
www.qm2.org  www.qm2.org/www.qm2.org

No pressure, no diamonds

CALL FOR  PROPOSALS [This Email has 2 Attachments and is also available at]:


Building  Museums™ Symposium 2009 - February 26-28, 2009 - Washington, DC 
How far  have we come! The Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM) is 
pleased to  announce the fifth annual Building Museums™ Symposium in Washington, 
D.C.,  February 26-28, 2009. The event will be hosted at some of Washington's 
most  celebrated museums including the National Building Museum, the newly 
renovated  National Museum of American History, and the recently opened Newseum.
MAAM  is seeking proposals for sessions that will engage museum 
professionals,  architects, planners, and other technical experts in a dynamic exchange of  
ideas about key issues for museum building projects. Symposium participants  
will enjoy opportunities to meet and learn from the professionals impacting  
museum construction projects today. Program content will reflect museums of  
various sizes, disciplines, budgets, collections-MAAM  is seeking proposals for 
sessions that 

Building Museums Symposium 2009 is organized  under three interrelated themes:

* Day 1: Vision (planning your  building project),

* Day 2: Implementation (making your vision a  reality) 

* Day 3: Sustainability ("life after opening the  doors")

Museum staff and board members, students and professionals from  various 
areas of expertise related to museum building projects are invited to  
participate. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please complete  the form 
available at: _http://www.midatlanhttp://www.http://www.midathttp://w_ 
(http://www.midatlanticmuseums.org/buildingmuseums.html)   no later than October 15, 
2008. For further information and questions, please  send an e-mail to the 
proposal coordinator at _maamquestions at maamquest_ (mailto:maamquestions at gmail.com)  
 <mailto:_sglover at gwu.sgl_ (mailto:sglover at gwu.edu) > . We look forward  to 
hearing from you!

Note: Attendee registration will open on December  15, 2008. Please check the 
MAAM website for more information.

We look  forward to your participation! PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW STREET  ADDRESS.


P  Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Graham S.  Hauck
Executive Director
Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums
2300 N  Street, NW
Suite 710
Washington, DC 20037
p: 202.452.8040
_director at midatlantidirector@dir_ (mailto:director at midatlanticmuseums.org) 

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