[NHCOLL-L:3979] Pest Management online course in October

Helen Alten helen at collectioncare.org
Sun Sep 21 20:17:26 EDT 2008

Integrated Pest Management for Museums, Libraries and Archives
Dates: October 6 through November 14, 2008
Price: $425
Location:  www.museumclasses.org

Participants in Integrated Pest Management for Museums, Libraries and 
Archives learn low-toxicity methods of controlling infestations. IPM 
is the standard method for treating incoming items and monitoring 
holdings. Integrated Pest Management for Museums, Libraries and 
Archives discusses how infestations occur, helps identify risks, 
provides feasible mitigation strategies, discusses the different 
techniques of treating infested materials, and helps you complete an 
IPM plan and monitoring schedule for your institution. The course 
covers pest identification, insects, rodent, birds, bats, other 
mammals and mold infestations, as well as other problems raised by 

Course Outline:
1. IPM Introduction:
2. Pest Risks / Environmental Causes
3. Monitoring
4. Mitigation Strategies
5. Treatment Strategies
5. Regular review
6. Staff Support
7. Conclusion

Participants in Integrated Pest Management for Museums, Libraries and 
Archives work through eight sections at their own pace. Instructor 
Gretchen Anderson is available for scheduled email support. Materials 
and resources include online literature, slide lectures and dialog 
between students and online chats led by the instructor. The course 
is limited to 20 participants.

Integrated Pest Management for Museums, Libraries and Archives runs 
six weeks. Please pay at 
to reserve a place. If you have trouble, please contact Helen Alten 
at helen at collectioncare.org

Student Comments for MS210 Integrated Pest Management for Museums, 
Libraries and Archives:
"I'd give it a 10 out of 10." - MS210 participant

"I was able to create plans for my institution and actually put them 
into action." - MS210 participant

"This class was exceptional and overall am generally pleased I took 
this course. The content and material provided were so valuable for 
research tools and training manuals. Thank you!" - MS210 participant

The Instructor:
Gretchen Anderson, Objects conservator Gretchen Anderson learned her 
craft at the American Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian's 
Conservation Analytical Lab, the Canadian Conservation Institute, 
Getty Conservation Lab, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the 
Minnesota Historical Society. She established the conservation 
department at the Science Museum of Minnesota in 1989. She is the 
co-author of A Holistic Approach to Museum Pest Management, a 
technical leaflet for the American Association for State and Local 
History and established a rigorous IPM program for the Science 
Museum. Ms. Anderson is a member of the American Institute for 
Conservation and the Society for the Preservation of Natural History 
Collections. She lectures and presents workshops on preventive 
conservation, IPM, and practical methods and materials for storage of 

Support for the course is provided by Bio-Integral Resource Center 
(BIRC) in Berkeley, California. BIRC is a nonprofit organization 
offering over 25 years of insight, experience and leadership in the 
development and communication of least-toxic, sustainable and 
environmentally sound Integrated Pest Management methods.
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